Dad On Duty #29 – Awards Day

Good, pretty easy day today.

**I was a little concerned we’d have some security challenges, ’cause it was “awards day” so we had a lot of parents coming and going. That can get dicey.

But it went surprisingly well, mostly because we (and the parents) are really getting the hang of it. Only busted two non-sticker-ed parents; apparently one of them was miffed and complained to another Mom about us not letting her back without checking in. Sorry; if I don’t know you and you don’t have a sticker, you ain’t walking past the threshold. Period. And you should be glad that we do that, not irritated.

**We have a new kid in 1st grade. While helping her class log in at computer lab….which, btw, really takes about 10 grow ups to accomplish in the time allotted…the new girl came up and asked if she could go to the bathroom. “Sure”, and I opened the door and basically kicked her out into the hallway while continuing to log another kid in with my left hand. Standard procedure for a pee break.

A minute later, I looked up and new girl is still standing in the hallway, looking at me. <blink, blink>. “What?” I asked. “I, uh…don’t know where it is…..I’m new….”

Oh, crap. Total fail. “Sorry, of course”. Stepped out into hallway and fortunately another Dad on Duty was out there along with my kid (Tori), they got her safely to/from the bathroom. Phew.

**I came to work today with the express intent of engaging one of the troubled kids. He’s one of the most cyclical people I’ve ever known; one minute kind and thoughtful, next minute he’ll lash out. He’s smart, clever and genuinely kind. But he’s also angry and withdrawn.
anxiety on one hand and brought my other hand up to break his elbows, I struck his wrists with my radial paralyzing downward chop, and when I went to chop him in the throat he threw me through a wall.
The Boss asked me to move a bunch of stuff in preparation for the awards ceremonies, and I took the opportunity to get this kid to help. Went to his class, asked him if he’d help, and he did. Two different times before and after the ceremonies. He felt needed and special, and we BS’d while moving the stuff, very comfortably.

While moving stuff, he passed one of the special ed kids and made the effort to compliment her. Pretty awesome choice.

He hugged me both times when we were done. Another awesome choice, in that it made me feel great. I don’t know if it was any good for him, but it made my week.

**Very acutely today, I felt the amazing power of the fabric of community in our little town. I knew *so* many of the parents coming in for the awards or the teachers pot-luck. While eating lunch with a couple of teachers, we talked about Jack’s girlfriend, who they all knew. I loaded kids into cars where, more often than not, I had some connection with the family.

Tonight, we went to the varsity basketball game. Again, we knew darn near everybody there. Our kids knew all the other kids. (Addison Herbert and Sam Talbert were particularly amazing in the game, btw). Our daughter and our Emergency Backup Spare daughter ran amok in the building playing. Most of the time we couldn’t see them. But other parents could and I was totally confident that they had it under control.

This is an amazing place to live, to raise our kids and to educate our progeny. I am blessed, and thankful, to be here in this community with all of you.

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