Dad On Duty #43
Good day at The Other Job today. ********** The Boss was gone much of the day, as were a few other key administrative folks. The AP put that in perspective for me: “it’s just you and me at lunch”. You’ve …
Good day at The Other Job today. ********** The Boss was gone much of the day, as were a few other key administrative folks. The AP put that in perspective for me: “it’s just you and me at lunch”. You’ve …
******* The connection between educator, who becomes caretaker, and student can be profound. A little boy had something happen today that was embarrassing to him, but harmless. Nurse Shields gets involved, and gets the situation fixed. But he’s still very …
********** Grandparents day! The special visitor days are some of the most trying, from a security and logistics viewpoint. Blessedly we had a LOT of grandparents (and others, standing in for grandparents) in attendance today. It was great to see, …
Looking back at my first year as Bobby, and Watchdog dad **The very first day of school, I get called to help Mary (our nurse…and, by the way, an actual real angel…) in a kindergarten class for an injury. A …
Next to the last one for the year. I apologize in advance; this one will be a lot longer than usual. Never had a day like this. Never. Tori’s teacher had the best anecdote for the situation at this stage …
So this week, I got fleeced by a five year old. I hadn’t really noticed this kid before, but I darn sure will now. I was helping with potty patrol, wherein I say “ok, I think you’re done. This ain’t …
After school today, the Primary Daughter and the Emergency Spare Backup Daughter were playing with a bunch of other kids on the big playground. I was waiting for them in the car. I fell asleep. Not just “napping”. I mean …
Had a couple of the highest compliments ever paid to me today. First, the Boss and AP told me and the other Dad on Duty that they both had critical assignments that had to be completed today, and we pretty …
This is the second busiest day in the spring semester at school. Kinda crazy, but it will pale in comparison to Field Day at the end of the year…. [interesting side note; while talking with a couple of volunteers today, …
Good, pretty easy day today. **I was a little concerned we’d have some security challenges, ’cause it was “awards day” so we had a lot of parents coming and going. That can get dicey. But it went surprisingly well, mostly …