Dad on Duty #100
Being Bobby. Sounds like a cool movie….maybe. Except in this case it’s about wearing an itchy, hot suit while your daughter leads you around and interprets for you (‘cause you can’t hear a damn thing). We’ve done that job for …
Being Bobby. Sounds like a cool movie….maybe. Except in this case it’s about wearing an itchy, hot suit while your daughter leads you around and interprets for you (‘cause you can’t hear a damn thing). We’ve done that job for …
A few days ago, I had to most frightening experience I’ve ever had at my Dad on Duty job. I’m pretty sure it shortened my life by 2 – 5 years. In six….SIX….years, I don’t believe I’ve ever freaked out …
The countdown is now thunderingly loud. It is almost all I can hear. I have to make a concerted effort not to let that sound….tick, tick, tick…..drown out the voices of the kids around me. It is now abundantly clear …
Riding home from big girl soccer tonite. Just me and my girl. She’s sitting in the front seat next to me. Because she’s a big girl now. She plays her music. And her favorite song, right now, is a love …
How am I going to tell him that I’m not coming back? That in a few weeks, our relationship is over? How do I tell him that? I dread that, almost more than anything. ********** Marc, the Chosen One, worked …
Today’s main event is a “fun run” that is a fund raiser. Kids get folks to pledge a couple bucks per lap, and then run as many as they can. To generate even more hype, the Boss has herself taped …
I worked at school two days this week. Surprisingly, they let me back the next week. Not sure that was the wisest move. ********** As I’ve mentioned before, I try to spend most of the day in the main hallway, …
My first day back, in a while. We were on Christmas break, and I also missed a couple days because of work. It feels so good to be here again. Let’s see what today has in store for us. ************ …
Today is our cookout day. In reality, we do this because we lose the cafeteria space to a fundraiser (we’ll talk about that in a bit). It’s a huge operation to setup. The cafeteria folks actually, really, setup an outside …
So, as always, we got a LOT going on here today. I’ve plucked a few highlights that I think are both a good glimpse into a day at school and also pretty darn amusing. ******* Book fair. I can hear …