Dad on Duty #62 Part II
So this is what happened after, and around, Buddy the Dog. ********* In the middle of walking Buddy through the neighborhood near the school to try to find his home, the Boss calls me and asks if I can walk …
So this is what happened after, and around, Buddy the Dog. ********* In the middle of walking Buddy through the neighborhood near the school to try to find his home, the Boss calls me and asks if I can walk …
What’s really amazing about these days is the sheer volume of stuff. I’m gonna tell you quite a few stories today, and it represents just a sliver of what happened. I wish I could do a more complete montage, but …
The weight of their little lives is surprisingly heavy. It will grind you down. The trick to not being crushed by it, I’m realizing, is to spread that weight across my colleagues here at the school, and across time. I …
First week of school ************ We had an alternate Bobby (not me) for the first Friday of school. I stood out front and helped unload cars. Both students and staff would see me at the entrance, then see Bobby in …
Milestones. When you are the person achieving the milestones, they are awesome. A tangible trophy of your growth, perseverance and accomplishment. When you are the parent who has led and guided your child to the milestone, there is less a …
The time when we don’t have to sing her to sleep will come soon enough. Tonight I realized; far too soon. Little Bit has been high maintenance for a few nights now. For the most part, I suspect that it’s …
Field Day! Arguably the hardest day of the year for volunteers and staff. Outside activities, disruption of routines, family members coming to school, early releases…it all adds up to a witches brew of issues. But fun as hell for the …
“I missed you Bobby!” We didn’t get to do Bobby last week; hit a couple of snags trying to get all the kids picked up for morning car pool, so we were late. Today we did much better, and got …
They pass not around us, not by us. They pass *through* us. **** I’m driving to a work meeting (yes I technically have a job. Not much of one, admittedly). For no apparent reason, I think about him. One of …
The Boss was out today. For me and the new AP, it was our first day together to operate this mess. And it was little bumpy. Ok…a lot bumpy. Today’s blog is a glimpse of the sausage making of public …